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Alicia Feruglio, who graduated in 2022 with a “Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy” from the Geneva School of Health (HEdS), received an award for the best Bachelor’s thesis from the Réseau Santé et Sport committee for her research on ultrasound-guided intratissue percutaneous electrolysis (EPI) in the treatment of lower limb tendinopathies. She is a therapist deeply committed to manual therapy, combining passive, active-passive, and instrumental techniques.

During her internship experiences, she gained valuable knowledge in the musculoskeletal field, working at Curavit clinic, the UOTS Cressy sports clinic at HUG (Geneva University Hospitals), and the Lignière rehabilitation center. Additionally, she acquired experience in the neurological domain at the Institut de Lavigny, which allows her to adapt her treatments based on the pathologies encountered in her clinical practice.

Throughout her academic journey, she pursued two optional modules in manual therapy, specifically in osteopathy and holistic approaches. This enables her to adopt a comprehensive approach to patients’ dysfunctions. She also completed an optional module in sports, where she learned to select scientifically validated return-to-sport tests and optimize training loads according to the specific sport and athlete for proper retraining.

Furthermore, she has also completed (or is currently pursuing) the following postgraduate courses:

January 2023: “Top 30 Dry Needling according to David G. Simons Academy” in Geneva

February 2023 to September 2023: “Specialization in Invasive Physiotherapy and Ultrasound” in Porto, involving neuromodulation®️ techniques and intratissue percutaneous electrolysis®️ under ultrasound.

May 2023 to May 2025: “Osteopathy / Etiopathy according to the Academy of Manual and Sports Therapy (ATMS)” in Porto

October 2023 to March 2024: “Clinical Pilates in Porto” based on the APPI Matwork Certification (one of the most widely used rehabilitation programs).

September 2023: “Dermato-functional course in Porto” (aesthetic physiotherapy – evaluation and diagnosis of aesthetic dysfunctions, using technologies such as radiofrequency, shockwaves, ultrasound, ultracavitations, electro-lipolysis, and cryo-lipolysis)

And many more in the pipeline…

With her dedication to continuous learning and development, Alicia will attentively listen to your health needs and concerns and is looking forward to meeting you.